Technology has Changed How We Communicate

Technology has impacted the way we communicate

Whether we want to admit it or not, technology is influencing the way everyone is communicating, and we, the gray haired generation better join in.

The truth is that many of us older folk think spending a lot of  time on the computer is a waste of time.  We believe that technology is for the younger crowd to embrace.  Some of us do know how to email, maybe do a Google search or we may keep in touch on Facebook.   Beyond that, many of us want nothing to do with it.  It almost appears as if it has become us – the older folk -versus “them”- the younger tech oriented generations.

Stereotyping the Generations 

First are the young, sometimes pimply teenagers with their iPods and cell phones spending the majority of their time either typing text messages at the rate of a mile minute or on the computer on social sites such as  My Space, Facebook or that funny sounding site that has a lot of bird sounds like tweet, retweet and twitter.  Another stereotype is the nerdy tech  who can only talk about html, hard drives, memory and gigabytes.
Whether we want to recognize it or not, the world is changing.  
Technology has arrived and  it is revolutionizing the way we communicate.  
I hate to break it to you but this is not some fad - technology and social media are here to stay.  Those of  us in the working world not only need to accept that fact, but we need to embrace it if our businesses are going to survive.  Otherwise, we will be left behind, and that will hurt us and our pocketbooks.
When we were young print and TV ads were how we learned about products and services.  Prior to the days of the remote,  we were besieged by TV ads that usually either talked down to us or we were screamed by the "used car salesman” type.  Unless we turned the TV off, we had to leave the room to get away from them.  Yes, there were a few good ones (Energizer bunny, for example), but those were few and far between.
Have you noticed that we don’t have to put up with that type of advertising anymore?  The majority of us now have remote controls with  a wonderful button labled “mute”.  We can even sit down and record our shows – then later fast forward through the ads.  People can now control how and when they get information.  How cool is that?
Companies and salespeople still do need to  get the word out about their products and services.  But people are changing as to the way they are listening.  And that’s where social media can help as it has become a major way of communicating.   No longer do people want to spend the time reading or being screamed at.  So those of us who want to stay in the game are going to have to “go along for the ride” and learn to play by the new rules.
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About eptoay

I am a certified social media strategist having learned the business through three online courses, reading many books and practicing how to use it by doing everything on my own. My background is in real estate having entered the industry 30 years ago. In that industry, I have been in sales, management, title work as a closing officer and as a mortgage loan originator. I am a very proud former military wife and daughter, mother of four and grandmother of five.
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2 Responses to Technology has Changed How We Communicate

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  2. eptoay says:

    Thank you. I appreciate your nice comments. I have been so busy that I haven’t kept it up the way I plan to. From now on, my goal is to add at least two posts a week. What subject would you like me to write about next? I would love to make this an interactive blog.

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