What is Social Media?


Many years ago the Industrial Revolution changed the way that people did business.  Now, once again things are changing  – this time it is called the Social Media Revolution. 

Gen X and even more so, Gen Y, are changing the way they look for and buy products and services.  In order to keep up, businesses need to change how they are getting word of their products and services out to prospective customers.

What does that mean for you?

Communicating online with people is today’s single most important marketing activity.  Your potential clients are smart- they want detailed information their their own schedules 24/7.

Today we are getting so much information thrown out at us through different kinds of media that we don’t want to spend a lot of time reading.  We are much more apt to scan a page than read it in full.  Many people believe references they read online (whether they know the person or not) faster than they will believe an ad that they read in magazines or newspapers or hear on TV.   Even online, statistics show that an advertiser has about 11 seconds to attract the reader’s attention once they come on a website.  If the reader’s attention is not captured quickly, he or she will move on to something else that does.

Whether or not you have a website, the way you are using technology’s social media tools today is what will set you apart from your competition.  Social media is rapidly becoming the new way of communicating and marketing in the business world.  According to Socialnomics, only 14% of consumers trust advertisements whereas 78& trust their online peers.

Up to now small businesses have had problems keeping up with their larger competitors.  This playing field has now been leveled due to technology.  Now anyone with an internet connection can join social media sites.  What this means is you can now reach thousands of people at a very low cost.

Those of us born prior to 1960 have had to face a whole new world.  One of the greatest challenges has been keeping up with technology.  "Geek Speak" has been especially intimidating because it makes up a whole new vocabulary.

What can we do for you?

Using plain and simple English, we can build you an online strategy through the use of

  • Website Review
  • Blog Development
  • Learning and Understanding the use of Social Media Sites

How do our customers benefit?

Baby Boomer Networking will work with you to develop a personalize online presence  that will lead to enhanced visibility and connections for your business.

This will increase the potential of your finding new customers and revenues.







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