Downsides to Using Social Media – Be Careful

protecting your online identity

There are downsides to using social media!!!!  Be Careful.

I have come across people – especially amongst us older folk – that have no desire to get involved with Social Media yet.  You see, I live in a neighborhood that allows only those of us who are 55 and older.  So besides keeping in touch with friends and family – especially grandchildren – they would most likely have no reason to get on the majority of Social Media sites.  Facebook is often the exception because many of us  have old friends, children and grandchildren on the site, and it is a great way to keep up.

My older sister (who is definitely not a Baby Boomer) can’t understand why anyone would want anything to do with it.  It took her years to even get an email account – she had a computer sit in a box for about three years before she even set it up.  Then she found out what fun it was – that’s when my email inbox really started filling up.   She loves to share jokes that she comes across – rarely though do I get any other type of email from her.  Usually when there are family matters she wants to discuss, I get a phone call instead.

What does this have to do with downsides of using social media?

One day she mentioned to me that she couldn’t comprehend why anyone would sit in front of a computer for hours typing in things that are absolutely no one’s business.  She has read so many articles concerning bad things happening such as sexual predators online and banking accounts being hacked into compromising personal information – that was enough to scare her off.  I think that feeling is quite common for those of us who are older.  We grew up in a much more private time and are much more reluctant to "bare our souls" than the generations following us – especially Gen Y.

Yes like anything else, there are downsides to the internet age.  Some people are definitely giving out way too much information on their profiles – especially younger people.  They are often still too naive to know better.  They still trust the world and believe that "nothing bad only happens to other people".  Somehow, we older folk  have to make certain that  we teach the younger people – especially the teens - that not everyone out there is nice and to be trusted – that there are some very evil people in the world.   My husband, a former police officer, has relayed some stories that make my blood run cold.  We have got to make our kids cognizant of that issue.

Privacy and security issues have to be faced

The internet is here to stay – we are now in the "information era".  Security and privacy issues have got to be addressed.   People have to be very careful about the information they share and who they share it with.  It is absolutely amazing what can be found out about many of us online – especially such things as full names, addresses, phone numbers, name of school being attended, etc.  Those things are just what  predators are looking for.

Recently, my son (who is a very private person) emailed me two absolutely beautiful pictures of my oldest granddaughter.  She had just placed in a contest, and the pictures showed her with her crown on and a huge smile on her face.  Of course, being the proud grandmother that I am, I immediately wanted to show them off to my friends on Facebook.  Luckily, just before I posted one of the pictures, I noticed that it had her first name (which has a different spelling than usual),her school and her home town listed on it.  Needless to say, that picture will NEVER make it to any of my Social Media sites.

In this technology world, things have changed and will continue to do so.  We are going to have to live with that.  The best thing we can do is stay aware of the pros and cons of those changes and make certain we do the right things for both ourselves and our families.


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What is the Social Media Revolution?

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How Twitter Can Help Build Your Brand and Your Business

building your brand with twitter

How Twitter can help you build your brand and your business.

When I first learned about Twitter, I joined the site for one reason and one reason only – a friend had asked me to "follow" him.  Upon receiving the invite, my first thought was "why should I go on this crazy site"  – it made absolutely no sense to me.  What would I say and how could I pare something down to 140 characters?  How could I possibly market my business through that site called Twitter?"  But my friend  was someone I really like so I decided, to be nice, I would join.

I signed up and started struggling along. Now that I had joined Twitter so I felt that I should be using it.  I kept going on the site to see how to  write messages but it was about as clear as mud.  I literally got more and more confused about what this crazy site was about.  I  then decided I probably should pick up some books to help me learn it, but I really wasn’t overly motivated so the books in turn sat in the bookcase gathering dust.

I then decided to to take two social media courses and  become a part of the crazy online world – one through Social Media Magic University and one through the National Association of Realtors.  It turned out that both courses were very complimentary to each other although I was totally overwhelmed at first.   The #SMMU (hastag for Social Media Magic University – way to do searches on Twitter) was made up of eleven sessions -  twice weekly – each two hours in length and chock full of information.  The instructors were excellent, but  my learning style (plus my advanced age) is such that I would have been better off with more time between classes – at the time I sort of felt like water was being blasted at me full force through a fire hose. 

 The NAR course was more of an overview of how Web 2.0 has evolved.  I had the advantage of learning that at my own pace.  Thank heavens for small favors.

What I have learned throughout my studying though is that there are definite ways Twitter can really help you get your name out there.  Following are some of them.

  • You can use Twitter to share the latest news about a new product you are launching and search for what people are doing in your industry..
  • You can use it when you have written a new blog post and want others to know it is out there,
  • It is extremely useful for someone to use Twitter to search for what people are saying about you or your company – also what is going on in your industry.
  • You can build brand awareness by sending your messages out  on Twitter
  • There is a wonderful feature called search where people can go and check up on all the tweets that you have sent.
  • you can monitor what people are saying about you.  This way if  people are saying negative things, you are in a position to rectify the situation before it gets out of hand. 

I absolutely love it now.  Once I got the hang of it, I found it could be addictive if I wasn’t careful.  The positives are well worth the frustrations I went through learning the program.  I have made many new "friends" that I would never have come across otherwise.  A number of those friends have encouraged me when I have needed it.  Those friends are in turn passing my information on to their friends.   I have connected with people that I would never have had a chance had to otherwise – several famous authors and a number of people that are considered experts in their fields.  I have been able to ask them advice directly and get really good information back from them.   

So if you are looking for a social media site that can help you build your brand and your business, consider using Twitter for your business.   I will be very surprised if you’re not delighted you did.




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Building A Compelling Presence on Twitter

Make your information compelling on Twitter.Building a compelling presence on Twitter can help you stand out from your competition.  It takes a little work but is well worth it in the long run.

As I have said in other posts, when I first started using Twitter it literally made no sense to me.  I couldn’t figure out why anyone in his/her right mind would even consider using it.   What was the appeal?  What can you say in 140 words that other people are going to read?

It wasn’t until I took a class almost a year ago that I really started seeing what some of the real benefits of using the site, and now I am a great advocate of it.  However, one of the things I am seeing is that there are a lot of people who are not building a profile that is appealing – instead often it looks as though they just put down the first words that came into their head.  They haven’t taken any time to customize it so it becomes their site instead of just another one of the many sites on Twitter.

First of all you want to show you as the person.   Your profile section allows you to use 160 characters, and you would be amazed at how much you can put in if you do it properly.   Do it in very short snippets – such things as a snippet about what you do now, your past, maybe a hobby.   Are you a parent – you may want to include that – it makes you appear more human.   Think out what would make you appear as someone of interest.  

Below, I have listed some tips that might help make you a more interesting person and give people an incentive to follow you.  And most importantly remember that Twitter is about building relationships and branding – not flagrantly marketing your services and/or product.  The following are some ideas of  how to get Twitter to work for you.

  • Start looking in your niche to find followers.  You can use the advanced search feature or go some sites that will help you search.   Twellow is a really good site.  Also there are some great sites to help you automate.  Two that I have used are SocialOomph and Tweet Adder.
  • Make yourself visible by using your real name and picture or your company’s logo – not some avatar that say absolutely nothing about you.
  • As I said earlier in this post - personalize yourself.  Combine personal AND professional information.
  • Include your URL.  If you have a blog and are active on it - .   Otherwise use the URL of your website, Facebook profile or page or your LinkedIn page.
  • Engage in conversation.  It’s a great way to keep up with your friends and followers.  It also is a great way to keep your name out there.
  • DON’T just jump in, start following a lot of people and just blast your message out there.    Most people consider that spam and many of them will block you very quickly.  REMEMBER, social media is a relationship tool – not an advertising one.
  • Make yourself worth following.  If you only tweet your commercial, people are going to get tired of you and stop following you.  For example, I and many others find it highly offensive when someone, who I have no relationship with, starts immediately telling me how I can get rich quick.  You wouldn’t do that face to face – why do it on line?
  • Be helpful and informative to others.  If you can do something for one of your followers, reach out and do so..
  • Thank a person when he/she does something for you.  Not only are you strengthening that relationship, but others will see you as a genuine person and want to follow you also.  Saying thank you seems to becoming a thing of the past – especially thank you notes.  However, think how much it means to you when someone goes out of their way to say thank you.

Building a strong compelling presence on Twitter will definitely help get you noticed in the online world.  This alone is a great way to get your business noticed.

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8 Good Reasons To Be On Twitter

Some good reasons to be on Twitter

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I have found that Twitter is a great way to get your name out there on the internet.  Below are 8 reasons why I feel that way.

  1. Twitter can be used as a great search engine as it can help build your presence on all the different Social Media sites that you are on.
  2. Because the "tweets" you post are only 140 characters, Twitter can be a great place to start  out on Social Media.  There is always so much going on on Twitter, there is a good chance that if you make any mistakes – which chances are you will when you start – they will most likely be missed.
  3. Twitter can help you market yourself and your brand.  If other people find your information informative and useful, they will help spread it for you – often by "retweeting" your message to their followers.  Those followers may never have any other opportunity to learn about you and your products and/or services.
  4. Google indexes your tweets which means that you are getting exposure on two platforms at the same time.  Several weeks ago, I shared some information on Twitter about some results of  a test I had just taken.  The next day, the results of that test showed up on Google when I googled inhatching yourself on to Twitter my name.
  5. Twitter is growing extremely quickly which also helps you spread your message to more and more people.
  6. Twitter can be used as a good search platform because all of the conversations that are taking place are actually indexed and all searchable.  This means that there is a great deal of information you can get from Twitter when you search for different topics.
  7. Twitter is a great tool for managing your reputation.  If someone is disgruntled about you and/or your product and is complaining on Twitter, this gives you the opportunity to connect with them in real time and to help them.  This gives you the opportunity to turn an unhappy customer into a raving fan.
  8. Twitter is a great way to find people with common interests or to find people that are good, high quality individuals for you to follow.

If you haven’t started using Twitter yet, now might a good time to add it to your library of resources.  Remember, Twitter is an excellent way to get your name out on the internet.

Please feel free to contact me if there is any way I can help you get started.

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Tips for Getting Around Facebook

Facebook – the Most Popular Social Media Site

Facebook is the top used Social Media site.  From the last statistics I have heard, it has a user base of well over 4 million people.

To give you a little history, it was started at Harvard, giving the students at that college the ability to keep in touch with each other.  From there it spread out to other campuses in the United States, both college and high school.  Since then it has expanded to all over the map and is being used by all demographics.  Even though it was started by younger people, the top growing demographics now are those over 35 years of age.  The only requirement that Facebook puts on age is that someone using the site has to be thirteen or older.

Facebook is not a formal site – it is more casual oriented than let’s say LinkedIn, which tends to be aimed more towards business professionals.  Casual, however, doesn’t mean users should view Facebook as a place to let everything hang out either literally of figuratively  (this warning is probably better suited for younger people, who have not yet learned the repercussions of having too much information out in public).    In fact,  prospective employers are often looking at Facebook Profiles when interviewing applicants for a job.    So if you or anyone you know is entering information onto a profile and have any doubts as to whether that info is appropriate, it probably is better to leave it off. As I have mentioned before, there are two different ways you can promote yourself on Facebook – by a Profile and/or by a Page.  Here are the differences:

  • A Profile is written with YOU in mind.  It is meant for you to share things about you.  It allows you to make friends with a maximum of 5,000 people.  Once you are friends with another person, you can view his/her personal profile,  anything that he or she posts and vice versa.
  • A Page is designed around your business whether it is a product or service.   Pages can have over 5,000 connections – the button that used to be "Become a Fan" is now called "Like".    These Pages cater more to the professional rather than to the personal.   There are limitations on these Pages – for example everyone is limited to seeing only the information you created on your Page. As a result, it takes a lot longer to develop a following on a Page than it does on a Profile.

If you are using Facebook for visibility, there are some tips that might come in handy.

  • Update your status on a regular basis.
  • Get involved in groups.  You might want to create your own or participate in others on a regular basis.  These will help get your name out there.
  • “Like” other Pages in your industry.  Follow those people you have respect for.  In many instances they will follow you back.
  • Create a conversation and get others involved.  The more you add, the more others get to know you and the more success you will have.   But don’t just keep the comments on your page – go out and connect with others and write on their “walls”
  • Include information from other sites such as Twitter or YouTube.  You can post “Tweets” that you find interesting or download videos from YouTube.  In fact, videos can really add a lot to your site.

Facebook is a user friendly site and will help you get your name out there.  Getting started is the hardest part.

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Overview of Some Social Media Sites

Social Media Sites Overview

If you started trying to keep up with all the Social Media sites, you would find yourself overwhelmed before you even got started.  There are literally thousands out there and more are coming on board daily.   The goal of this blog post is to give you an idea of some of the more popular social media  sites.

  • Facebook is the most popular Social Media site on the internet.  It was started at Harvard for students to keep in contact but has far outgrown that role –  the fastest growing demographic are people over the age of 35.  This site that enables individuals to keep in touch with friends and family and to make new contacts.  It has a number of features such as posting on a wall (sort of like your own short blog), photo posting and sharing and video sharing.  Individuals have to agree to connect before they can share information.  People can also build your own business Page where you can develop followers, post events, videos, pictures and keep people up-to-date on what is going on with your professionally.
  • LinkedIn was created  for business professionals to connect and build an online network of contacts.   For people to connect, LinkedIn requires for them to have a pre-existing connection or a way to be introduced through others.   Its network is based on three levels of connection – people you know (first degree), people your first degree connections know (second degree) and people your second degree connections know (third degree).  Some of the strongest features of this site are Answers, Applications, Groups and Recommendations.
  • Twitter is a micro-blogging site.  What this means is that you can only post an entry (tweet) of 140 characters or less.  These “tweets” are sent to everyone who is “following” you.    Twitter is a site for friends, family and co-workers to keep in touch with each other.  It also allows you to get your word out to a large number of people.  This site is used by many large companies to keep track of customer feedback and allow them to get back to those same customers quickly.  One of the stronger features about Twitter is that if your friends decide your post is worth passing on, they can “retweet” it out to their followers.  Twitter is an excellent brand building tool.
  • Besides being the leader in online video, YouTube is the second largest search engine on the internet.  YouTube has made it very easy for individuals to post and share videos online.  As there are millions of videos stored on the internet, YouTube is a treasure trove to find how-to videos on just about any subject one is interested in learning more about.  Interested in old clips from the Carol Burnett show?  Go to YouTube and you will find them.  You can also consider YouTube as a video shelf where you can store all your own videos.

As many of you are aware, this is a very small sample of all the social media sites out there.  I wouldn’t even want to hazard a guess as to how many there are out there.  My recommendation is to get started on the better known sites and then look around for some others you might be interested in.  If you try to keep up with all of them, you will be overwhelmed before you even try.


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Social Media is all about Communication

Believe it or not, Social Media is all about the way we communicate

Before I go into any more of how the different Social Media sites are used, I have decided that it might be a good idea to write several posts about what Social Media really is all about.   The term Social Media is being used very freely and is much better understood by those who are younger than us than to those us who got into technology at a later age. Social Media is about communication – it is a paradigm shift in the way we now communicate with others, whether it be for business or for pleasure. 

 No longer do we just rely on the phone or the mail to get in touch with people that are a distance away – now all we have to do is jump on the internet and quickly get in touch with others whether it be through email, text messaging, social media sites or other ways that technology has made available for us to use.

Prior to 1990s, we really had very few options of how we could connect with people. I have two granddaughters who are 15 and 17.  Their way of communicating with their friends is far different than ours or even their parents were.   When they want to let me know something, very often I will get a text message on my phone.  In fact, they were the ones who taught me how to text message about two years ago.

Technology has now taken us from Web 1.0 of the 1990s and early 2000s to the introduction of Web 2.0 in 2004

Web 1.0 gave us the ability to search for information on line – think of it like a large encyclopedia that we could reach through our computers.  Web 2.0 is now giving us the ability to interact with others anywhere and at any time. We have gone from having basically a one-way conversation to a two-way conversation on line.  We now connect with others and have conversations with them – not only to learn about them but to learn about products and services as well.

Just how does this affect those of us older folks who are being thrown into the technology world – some of us kicking and screaming? Well, .  Statistics now show that over 50% of the world’s population is 30 years old or younger.   96% of Generation Y members are using social media in one way or another.  They are influencing the way that purchasing decisions are made.  No longer do the younger buyers trust the large company’s advertisements – instead they will go on line and listen to one of their peers talk about a product of service and then make the decision – 78% trust the word of someone they have never even met more than they trust ads! For those of us who are still in the working world, we need to keep up with the times.  Our younger competitors are learning how to get their word out there and reach millions of people at little to no cost.  We need to start doing the same. Could Social Media work for you?

In today’s world you have got to learn to work with the younger generations are going to be doing business.  Otherwise, you will end up finding yourself left behind.

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From the Radio to Social Media

Starting with the Radio – now on Social Media

At times I have to laugh that I, at my advanced age, am one touting using the web and Social Media to its full advantage.  Compared to the average user, I could easily be at least the mother if not the grandmother.  But as they say, it is never late to try.  It just sometimes takes longer to catch up.

The Rapid Changes in Technology

I try to read just about everything that I can get my hands on just to keep up with the rapid changes in technology. In my younger years, I was always amazed to think what my father saw during his lifetime – he was born the year the Wright Brothers flew their first plane at Kitty Hawk. Now I look at how far things have advanced since I was born and find it equally amazing.

I didn’t even know what a TV was until I was eight years old.  The first one I ever saw was at a store – my father,  a career Naval officer, had received orders for a two year tour of duty in Turkey, and  Mother was busy stocking up on all sorts of things to take with us.    She took me with her on one of her shopping sprees.  We walked into a store that carried TVs – in those days they looked like big boxes with very small black and white screens – transmitted about two or three channels.    I was absolutely fascinated – asked my mother if we could get one.    Her answer was no because we were about to leave the country.   It wasn’t for another eight years before my parents broke down and bought one – thanks to Mom.  Dad hated TV up to the day he died in 1987.

The first color TV I saw was at a friend’s home at Christmas time in 1957.    The colors were absolutely horrible – everything was either bright red, yellow (or orange if the red and yellow weren’t blended correctly), green or blue.  No matter how much the set was adjusted, the colors were never right.  Slowly but surely over the years color TVs started getting better.  My husband and I bought one in the late 60s, and by then the colors had become pretty natural – still not up to today’s standards but a lot closer.

As a child, my main entertainment was the radio.  How well I remember my first one – a bright red metal AM box with vacuum tubes that could be seen in the back of the radio as the top was left open to let heat escape.  The radio had to warm up –l  remember anxiously watching the filiments in those tubes turn to a bright orange before the radio actually came on.    The AM antenna was a long piece of wire that I strung around my room in order to get a decent reception. As primitive as the things of my youth would appear to kids today, we had a real advantage.  We learned to read and to use our imaginations.  We played outside whenever the weather permitted.  Do I regret not having what the kids have today?  My answer is an overwhelming no – in fact, in many ways I think we were far better off.

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Putting Your Personal Information on Facebook

Personal Information to Put on Facebook

This post is meant to give an overview of some ideas to consider when filling in your Facebook Profile. How much personal information should you put one your  profile? Of course the answer will vary depending on the individual but please remember there are online predators and disclose only what you want EVERYONE to know. The following are some tips you might want to consider:

  • In the basic part of your profile, you are allowed to include such things as your hometown, your children and their names, your birth date, who you are interested in networking with, etc.  For personal reasons, I chose to put that I have children but not to disclose their names.  I revealed the city I live in (for networking reasons) although I would never consider listing my home address.  My birth date is shown but not the year I was born (often people take me for younger than I am and I would just as soon leave it that way).  As I have mentioned before, keep away from political and religious views if possible – those subjects are extremely controversial and, in many fields of business, could harm you  more than help you.
  • In the personal section, you might want to include such things as activities you are involved in, books you enjoy reading, hobbies, etc.  Remember, as this is a social media site, the above mentioned areas could be valuable in helping you connect with others – think of this in the same way as meeting someone at a gathering – what would you discuss?  If you see yourself as an industry expert,  consider adding book titles you think  might be of interest to potential clients.
  • Facebook really gives you control over what is seen in the education/work section.   All you have to do is click on the little lock that is found on the right hand side of the category you are entering. A drop box will appear asking you who you want to see what you have filled in.  Be very careful about entering information that could compromise your privacy. Last fall, my second son sent me two pictures of my oldest granddaughter being crowned at a pageant.  My first inclination was to post both pictures as she is a lovely young lady, and I am very proud of her.  However, I then noticed that one picture included her name and school.  Needless to say, that particular one was left off the site – she is too precious to me to take any chances on her safety.
  • The education/work section can be a wonderful tool for getting back in touch with people from your past.  Facebook is very good about tracking what you have entered and letting you know about people you  might want to reconnect with.  In fact , I am now back in contact with people  I lost touch with years ago.

Remember, you never know where your next business will come from.  So take advantage  of the online tools that will help you.

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