Links – A Necessity to Your SEO


Anchor Text – A great addition to your blog and a SEO boost at the same time

When you are writing blogs, it is extremely important that you include anchor text.  The following is an explanation of what anchor text is and how you use it. 

Probably the best way to describe anchor text is to actually demonstrate how it is used.    Let’s say that I want to send you over to another post (whether it is mine or someone else’s) and the subject of that blog post is red roses – also the keywords have something to do with red roses.  One of the things I could do is to say -" to read about the health of red roses click here" and by clinking on those bold words  that would take you to an article on red roses.  Now the other way I can do it is for me to be writing about those same red roses but instead pick some keywords that relate to the other blog and make some of those words are a link. that would actually take you to that other site.  That last is an example of anchor text.

Anchor Text can help you get readers, subscribers or clients as it can make your site a lot more interesting and relevant.  However, when you are working with anchor text, be sure to check and make sure that the anchor text contains good keywords – otherwise it will not be that much of an advantage.  Remember also that the text around the anchor text needs to be compelling enough so that people want to click on it.

In my last blog I wrote about SEO and how it is enhanced by backlinks.   Try using my anchor text to take you back to that post and to see exactly where I placed them.

More Information about links

You will want to use links in your site as they will help make your website more relevant.  Being able to take your readers to other sites or posts within your blog or website or ,maybe even another author’s blog or website,  will help also make your website or post more credible as it adds authority to what you are writing.  However, make certain that you limit the number of links that you are putting in.  Just like keywords if you put in too many links, you are going to look like you are trying  to get the search engines to notice you.  That might be considered spam.

One other thing to remember is that if you have too many links to one particular author’s blog or website, you could give the impression that you are trying to build off the other site.  The author of that site may not appreciate your taking advantage of his/her work, and he/she may, in turn, decide to remove some, if not all, of those links.

Remember, using links in your posts is a great SEO strategy but it is better to be too conservative than to get carried away using them.



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About eptoay

I am a certified social media strategist having learned the business through three online courses, reading many books and practicing how to use it by doing everything on my own. My background is in real estate having entered the industry 30 years ago. In that industry, I have been in sales, management, title work as a closing officer and as a mortgage loan originator. I am a very proud former military wife and daughter, mother of four and grandmother of five.
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One Response to Links – A Necessity to Your SEO

  1. eptoay says:

    I will be writing more. Appreciated your nice comment.

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