How Twitter Can Help Build Your Brand and Your Business

building your brand with twitter

How Twitter can help you build your brand and your business.

When I first learned about Twitter, I joined the site for one reason and one reason only – a friend had asked me to "follow" him.  Upon receiving the invite, my first thought was "why should I go on this crazy site"  – it made absolutely no sense to me.  What would I say and how could I pare something down to 140 characters?  How could I possibly market my business through that site called Twitter?"  But my friend  was someone I really like so I decided, to be nice, I would join.

I signed up and started struggling along. Now that I had joined Twitter so I felt that I should be using it.  I kept going on the site to see how to  write messages but it was about as clear as mud.  I literally got more and more confused about what this crazy site was about.  I  then decided I probably should pick up some books to help me learn it, but I really wasn’t overly motivated so the books in turn sat in the bookcase gathering dust.

I then decided to to take two social media courses and  become a part of the crazy online world – one through Social Media Magic University and one through the National Association of Realtors.  It turned out that both courses were very complimentary to each other although I was totally overwhelmed at first.   The #SMMU (hastag for Social Media Magic University – way to do searches on Twitter) was made up of eleven sessions -  twice weekly – each two hours in length and chock full of information.  The instructors were excellent, but  my learning style (plus my advanced age) is such that I would have been better off with more time between classes – at the time I sort of felt like water was being blasted at me full force through a fire hose. 

 The NAR course was more of an overview of how Web 2.0 has evolved.  I had the advantage of learning that at my own pace.  Thank heavens for small favors.

What I have learned throughout my studying though is that there are definite ways Twitter can really help you get your name out there.  Following are some of them.

  • You can use Twitter to share the latest news about a new product you are launching and search for what people are doing in your industry..
  • You can use it when you have written a new blog post and want others to know it is out there,
  • It is extremely useful for someone to use Twitter to search for what people are saying about you or your company – also what is going on in your industry.
  • You can build brand awareness by sending your messages out  on Twitter
  • There is a wonderful feature called search where people can go and check up on all the tweets that you have sent.
  • you can monitor what people are saying about you.  This way if  people are saying negative things, you are in a position to rectify the situation before it gets out of hand. 

I absolutely love it now.  Once I got the hang of it, I found it could be addictive if I wasn’t careful.  The positives are well worth the frustrations I went through learning the program.  I have made many new "friends" that I would never have come across otherwise.  A number of those friends have encouraged me when I have needed it.  Those friends are in turn passing my information on to their friends.   I have connected with people that I would never have had a chance had to otherwise – several famous authors and a number of people that are considered experts in their fields.  I have been able to ask them advice directly and get really good information back from them.   

So if you are looking for a social media site that can help you build your brand and your business, consider using Twitter for your business.   I will be very surprised if you’re not delighted you did.




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About eptoay

I am a certified social media strategist having learned the business through three online courses, reading many books and practicing how to use it by doing everything on my own. My background is in real estate having entered the industry 30 years ago. In that industry, I have been in sales, management, title work as a closing officer and as a mortgage loan originator. I am a very proud former military wife and daughter, mother of four and grandmother of five.
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