Facebook is NOT ONLY for Grannies and College Kids

Facebook is NOT ONLY for Grannies and College Kids.

I am a grandmother – a fact that I am very proud of.  I sometimes eat eggs for breakfast, have four cats, go to the doctor, the dentist and do many of the other things that you read about on Facebook.  There are times when I share some personal things about my life.   I  have a cousin who has posted just about every detail of our shared family history so if anyone has connected us, they might know more about my background than I do.  I have seen many pictures of ancestors that I never even knew existed.  So that is one way Facebook can be used.

Although there are many grandmas like me on Facebook , there also are many older people that think of Facebook as a total waste of time and that is their prerogative.  There are others who think that it is just a community for young college students.  Yes, the latter is how Facebook started but it has long evolved beyond that point.

Overall, Facebook is a tool for connecting people to each other

And its not only for connecting with friends and family.  Facebook is also a tool to use with for your business.  People can use it to market themselves – to expand their presence online and to engage directly with their customers

Why should someone want to use Facebook for business?

Well, at this point Facebook has well over 350,000,000 users.  It is the top social media site online.  Two-thirds of the people that are using it are no longer in school and the fastest growing demographics are age 35 and above.  What does that mean?  It means that your potential customers are most likely on Facebook. However you do need to learn the difference between Profiles and Pages.

Facebook Profiles vs. Pages   

Profiles are for connecting with people.  This is where you can invite people to be your friends, and they have to accept your invitation before you can directly connect with them and actually share a lot of information.   This is also where others can be kept up to date about you as a person.  If you worry about privacy, you can determine on your profile how much information you want others to see about you.  Profiles are not mean to be used for business.  Facebook is very strict about that. Pages are entirely different – this is where Facebook allows you to market your business. Below are some of the key points of a Page:
  • Pages are public, not private like Profiles.  Therefore, they can be accessed by anyone searching for you.
  • Pages can be split into different categories – that in itself will help you be found a lot faster as it will increase your visibility both on Facebook and in other search sites.
  • Once you get a certain number of “fans” on your Page, you get your own domain name (URL).  This can bring people directly to your Page to learn all about your business.
In following blog posts I will go into more detail about Facebook and other media sites.  If you have anything you would like to add, please feel free to post to the comment section below.
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About eptoay

I am a certified social media strategist having learned the business through three online courses, reading many books and practicing how to use it by doing everything on my own. My background is in real estate having entered the industry 30 years ago. In that industry, I have been in sales, management, title work as a closing officer and as a mortgage loan originator. I am a very proud former military wife and daughter, mother of four and grandmother of five.
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3 Responses to Facebook is NOT ONLY for Grannies and College Kids

  1. Great stuff as usual…

  2. eptoay says:

    Thank you for your nice comment. Sorry it took so long to get back to you but for some reason Word Press put your comment in my spam file. I have been very lax about writing as I have been working on a really time consuming project but that is changing as of now.

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