Downsides to Using Social Media – Be Careful

protecting your online identity

There are downsides to using social media!!!!  Be Careful.

I have come across people – especially amongst us older folk – that have no desire to get involved with Social Media yet.  You see, I live in a neighborhood that allows only those of us who are 55 and older.  So besides keeping in touch with friends and family – especially grandchildren – they would most likely have no reason to get on the majority of Social Media sites.  Facebook is often the exception because many of us  have old friends, children and grandchildren on the site, and it is a great way to keep up.

My older sister (who is definitely not a Baby Boomer) can’t understand why anyone would want anything to do with it.  It took her years to even get an email account – she had a computer sit in a box for about three years before she even set it up.  Then she found out what fun it was – that’s when my email inbox really started filling up.   She loves to share jokes that she comes across – rarely though do I get any other type of email from her.  Usually when there are family matters she wants to discuss, I get a phone call instead.

What does this have to do with downsides of using social media?

One day she mentioned to me that she couldn’t comprehend why anyone would sit in front of a computer for hours typing in things that are absolutely no one’s business.  She has read so many articles concerning bad things happening such as sexual predators online and banking accounts being hacked into compromising personal information – that was enough to scare her off.  I think that feeling is quite common for those of us who are older.  We grew up in a much more private time and are much more reluctant to "bare our souls" than the generations following us – especially Gen Y.

Yes like anything else, there are downsides to the internet age.  Some people are definitely giving out way too much information on their profiles – especially younger people.  They are often still too naive to know better.  They still trust the world and believe that "nothing bad only happens to other people".  Somehow, we older folk  have to make certain that  we teach the younger people – especially the teens - that not everyone out there is nice and to be trusted – that there are some very evil people in the world.   My husband, a former police officer, has relayed some stories that make my blood run cold.  We have got to make our kids cognizant of that issue.

Privacy and security issues have to be faced

The internet is here to stay – we are now in the "information era".  Security and privacy issues have got to be addressed.   People have to be very careful about the information they share and who they share it with.  It is absolutely amazing what can be found out about many of us online – especially such things as full names, addresses, phone numbers, name of school being attended, etc.  Those things are just what  predators are looking for.

Recently, my son (who is a very private person) emailed me two absolutely beautiful pictures of my oldest granddaughter.  She had just placed in a contest, and the pictures showed her with her crown on and a huge smile on her face.  Of course, being the proud grandmother that I am, I immediately wanted to show them off to my friends on Facebook.  Luckily, just before I posted one of the pictures, I noticed that it had her first name (which has a different spelling than usual),her school and her home town listed on it.  Needless to say, that picture will NEVER make it to any of my Social Media sites.

In this technology world, things have changed and will continue to do so.  We are going to have to live with that.  The best thing we can do is stay aware of the pros and cons of those changes and make certain we do the right things for both ourselves and our families.


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About eptoay

I am a certified social media strategist having learned the business through three online courses, reading many books and practicing how to use it by doing everything on my own. My background is in real estate having entered the industry 30 years ago. In that industry, I have been in sales, management, title work as a closing officer and as a mortgage loan originator. I am a very proud former military wife and daughter, mother of four and grandmother of five.
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6 Responses to Downsides to Using Social Media – Be Careful

  1. medical assistant says:

    Terrific work! This is the type of information that should be shared around the web. Shame on the search engines for not positioning this post higher!

  2. veterinary technician says:

    found your site on today and really liked it.. i bookmarked it and will be back to check it out some more later

  3. Great site. A lot of useful information here. I’m sending it to some friends!

  4. eptoay says:

    Thank you so much for your comment and I appreciate your spreading the word around. I love writing and want to share as much as possible about social media. There is so much to learn.

  5. eptoay says:

    Thank you for reading my site. I will try to keep up with it on a more regular basis. Are there any particular subjects you would like to hear about?

  6. eptoay says:

    Thank you. I will keep trying to get the word out. Kids always think nothing is going to happen to them and they are so often the most vulnerable target.

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