Category Archives: Social Media Tips

SEO Basics – Improving Page Rank with Backlinks

  Links – a Great Way to Improve Your SEO Page Rank In my last blog, I went into the importance of good keyword selection in order to help get your site found by Google and other search engines.  That … Continue reading

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Using Your LinkedIn Profile to your Advantage

Your LinkedIn profile can be put together to help determine how your images comes across – in a way that your reader will understand you and your brand. Continue reading

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Why Doing Good Online Marketing is SO Important

Companies need to stay up with the times and change the way they are marketing. Technology is changing the way people buy products and services. Continue reading

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8 Good Reasons To Be On Twitter

Twitter is a great way to build your brand. If you haven’t started using it yet, I have included 8 different reasons why you might want to use the site. Continue reading

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Tips for Getting Around Facebook

Facebook is to top used social media site on the web. From the last statistics I heard, it now has well over 4 million users and is continuing to grow. Continue reading

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Putting Your Personal Information on Facebook

How much personal information should you put on your Facebook profile. Of course it is your choice but I have included some tips of what you might want to think about. Continue reading

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Another’s View of the Benefits of Social Media

Recently I have come across an outstanding book on Social Media. Although expensive, I have found it well worth every penny. Continue reading

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6 Initial Tips on Managing Your Facebook Profile

There are many ways to enhance your Facebook profile. This blog discusses six ways to help you be found and to connect on the site. Continue reading

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4 Tips About the Benefits of Using Social Media

Our world is now a technology based world. For those of us baby boomers that are still working, social media can be a huge marketing tool. Continue reading

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Baby Boomers Can Learn Social Media

How did I, an old fogy in my 60′s get to where I am doing the social media for a young congressional candidate. If I can get there – so can you? Continue reading

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