Category Archives: Social Media for Boomers

Putting Your Personal Information on Facebook

How much personal information should you put on your Facebook profile. Of course it is your choice but I have included some tips of what you might want to think about. Continue reading

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Another’s View of the Benefits of Social Media

Recently I have come across an outstanding book on Social Media. Although expensive, I have found it well worth every penny. Continue reading

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6 Initial Tips on Managing Your Facebook Profile

There are many ways to enhance your Facebook profile. This blog discusses six ways to help you be found and to connect on the site. Continue reading

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Facebook is NOT ONLY for Grannies and College Kids

I am a grandmother and I do the things most other grandmothers do. I also use Facebook for business and for expanding my contact base. Continue reading

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4 Tips About the Benefits of Using Social Media

Our world is now a technology based world. For those of us baby boomers that are still working, social media can be a huge marketing tool. Continue reading

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Baby Boomers Can Learn Social Media

How did I, an old fogy in my 60′s get to where I am doing the social media for a young congressional candidate. If I can get there – so can you? Continue reading

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