Local Online Advertising

Building Your Business with Local Online Advertising

 Get New Customers Now!

What you need to know about local online advertising

In these difficult days, how are your clients finding companies or service providers that they want to do business with? Are they using telephone books and newspapers? Are they reading billboards or driving down the streets, hunting for your particular business?   As you are probably aware, the correct answer to the above questions is a resounding NO!

Instead approximately 80% of all potential customers are now going to the major search engines such as Google and Yahoo to find the answers to those questions.  Try it for yourself!  Go to Google and type any type of business in the search bar.  Then check out what appears on the first page of the local results for your area.

To give you an example of what people are looking for, let’s pretend you own a Chinese restaurant in Austin Texas.  Recently there were over 2,000 results for that result in the local listings area.  Looks good for Chinese restaurants doesn’t it.  Wouldn’t you love to have you business type have that kind of result?  

The next question you might ask is:  How do I get my listing posted so prominently?  What’s my chance of actually appearing that close to the top of the search if someone is looking for me? Well you can easily look up your own business type by using Google maps and zooming in to see where you stand and what your competition is.

Well that’s easy enough, but wait – let’s go back to the Chinese restaurant example and go another step.  How are actual customers going to find your particular restaurant? You’re perfectly capable of finding yourself but can others find you?

Google Local Listing Results

So remember this is actually where people are looking?  First they will see all the regular search listings, then they see this pretty map that makes it so much easier to find where they want to actually go in a particular area.

Why do Google maps exist?  The answer is because people are lazy.  People don’t want to spend a lot of time or energy going through a ton of search results to find what they looking for .  In return, Google wants to give good relevant material to those people who are searching so Google looks for the best businesses to put at the top of the list.

  Google Maps Listing Page

So now that Google has Maps, there is even more competition since Google is now in the process of  listing EVERY single one of those other businesses. Your competition is so much broader than it used to be.  You are now competing against the entire city to get any traffic.

That is why we are here - to help you become one of the little red dots at the top of the local search results for your type of business.  It’s called local online advertising.



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