Author Archives: eptoay

About eptoay

I am a certified social media strategist having learned the business through three online courses, reading many books and practicing how to use it by doing everything on my own. My background is in real estate having entered the industry 30 years ago. In that industry, I have been in sales, management, title work as a closing officer and as a mortgage loan originator. I am a very proud former military wife and daughter, mother of four and grandmother of five.

Social Media and Statistics

Social Media statistics prove the importance of companies using it I was listening to a video recording about social media and it brought to light of why it is so important that companies (including local business owners) take advantage of … Continue reading

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Links – A Necessity to Your SEO

  Anchor Text – A great addition to your blog and a SEO boost at the same time When you are writing blogs, it is extremely important that you include anchor text.  The following is an explanation of what anchor … Continue reading

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SEO Basics – Improving Page Rank with Backlinks

  Links – a Great Way to Improve Your SEO Page Rank In my last blog, I went into the importance of good keyword selection in order to help get your site found by Google and other search engines.  That … Continue reading

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SEO Basics – Keyword Selection

  Search Engine Optimization and What it Means As was mentioned in my last post about the basics of Google, Search Engine Optimization is the key to getting your website found.  If you don’t make the correct keyword selections, to … Continue reading

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Google -A Simple Explanation

How does one get found on Google. This blog focuses on explaining Google in a non technical and simple way. Continue reading

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Online Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing

Marketing products and services is not new. However, with the advent of technology and the social media platforms, the way consumers are buying and selling is changing rapidly. Continue reading

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Social Media ROI by Eric Qualman

This video emphasizes the importance of marketing yourself online. It gives real world examples of what people have accomplished using social media. Continue reading

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Using Your LinkedIn Profile to your Advantage

Your LinkedIn profile can be put together to help determine how your images comes across – in a way that your reader will understand you and your brand. Continue reading

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LinkedIn – A Tool to be Added to Your Marketing Kitbag

For those of you not using LinkedIn, these are some reasons why you might want to consider joining. LinkedIn is a social site that helps expand your network. Continue reading

Posted in Communicating your brand, LinkedIn, Online Marketing tips, Overview of Some Social Media Sites | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

Why Doing Good Online Marketing is SO Important

Companies need to stay up with the times and change the way they are marketing. Technology is changing the way people buy products and services. Continue reading

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