
Much as I hate to admit it, I am definitely on the north side of fifty.   So I well understand the frustrations of both the older folk and the non-technology oriented people in trying to keep up with the rapid changes in how we communicate and get our business found.

Since social media is a very new and quickly evolving way of communicating, it has been an interesting (and sometimes trying) challenge for me to learn the subject -  very often sitting in on online classes with students that are closer to my grandchildren’s ages than to mine.  Even the instructors often have been younger than my kids, which in itself is rather depressing.  Unfortunately that is today’s reality for those of us born prior to the middle 1950s.

At first, I found the subject almost overwhelming as the term “social media” encompasses so much, but, after being force fed for a number of months, things started to fit nicely into place.  One thing I have found is that you don’t need to know “geek speak” to be successful.  As technology is evolving so rapidly, I plan to continue to continue to learn this fascinating subject for as long as I am able to. On the education side I was fortunate enough to get certified through three excellent sources - Social Media Marketing University, NAR’s Web 2.0 , which is part of their ePro Course and Inbound Marketing University. My goal is now to reach others who are in the same boat that I was in not that long ago.   I also now have the capability to do classes in Word Press and SEO optimization. 

When I started my journey I was looking for someone who could teach me what I needed to know and do it in “laymen terms”.  As I love teaching and have done so in the past, I decided that I would take on that role to help others in the same boat I had been in not that long ago.   Now, after months of taking classes, reading just about every book I could get my hands on and practicing for very long hours, I know that I am to the point that I can help others to use it effecitvely.

Classes Coming Soon

I would love to be considered to be your resource for getting involved in the world of Social Media.  Presently I am working on online webinars that can be accessed at the user’s convenience.  This will give those who are interested in learning the ability to learn at their own pace.  I will also be doing some actual online classes so that people will have the ability to ask questions during the class.  There will be one set monthly price and as the classes develop, they will become part of the agenda.

I am also available by phone or email.  Please feel free to contact me, and I will be happy to work through a problem with you.  If I don’t know the answer, I will do the research and get back to you just as soon as possible.

And last but not least, if you are not happy with the classes you will be welcome to cancel at any time.

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